Megan Lisk Reflects on Losing Her Dad at Age 9

“If you have kids, ask them questions about it, talk to them. Don’t just like leave them to grieve and mourn on their own. Especially if they’re really down, you might want to ask questions and ask if they want to go through some therapy or something like that.”

— Megan Lisk

I have a very special guest in the podcast studio with me today: my daughter, Megan Lisk. Megan is 12, and her dad -- my husband -- died when she was 9.

And for what it’s worth, it was Megan’s idea to be my guest on the podcast this week. I was lamenting the fact that various circumstances had left me with no episode ready to go this week, and she said, “you can interview me!” I figured, why not? It was great for me, personally, to be able to have this sort of in-depth discussion with her. The kind we don’t normally have in the day-to-day busyness of normal life. It reminded me of my discussion with StoryCorps and the New York Life Foundation last time, about their Road to Resilience project, and the space that it opens up for parents and kids to talk about their loss and their loved ones. I hope that our discussion today might inspire you to sit down with your own kids and talk about your experiences, too. You can even record your conversation in the StoryCorps app if you’d like. You can listen to episode 28 for more details on that. And, I hope that hearing first-hand from a 12-year-old who lost her dad might be of use to you as well.

I hope you enjoy my discussion with my daughter, Megan Lisk.


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Jenny Lisk

Jenny Lisk is the founder of the Widowed Parent Institute. She is an award-winning author and widowed mom who is dedicated to helping widowed parents increase their family's well-being. Jenny’s books, Future Widow and Widowed Parents Unite, and her show, The Widowed Parent Podcast, guide the journey of solo parenting after loss.

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