Lynn Haraldson Reflects on Becoming a 19-Year-Old Widowed Parent

I had such a great discussion with Lynn Haraldson for this episode. She was widowed 40 years ago, at the age of 19—with an 11-day-old baby at home.

I especially appreciated the longer lens Lynn brings to the experience of being a widowed parent. Her journey has included many twists and turns, and she reflects on it all in her new memoir, An Obesity of Grief. Listen especially for Lynn telling us about her daughter’s high school project, when she reached out to the newspaper in their former small town to learn about the father she never knew.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Becoming a Young Widow: Lynn became widowed at the age of 19, with an 11-day-old baby, navigating through the grief and challenges of becoming a young single parent unexpectedly.

  • Long-term Grief and Healing: Her journey over 40 years involved dealing with trauma, grief, weight issues, mental health issues, and anger, which she reflects on in her new memoir, An Obesity of Grief.

  • Daughter's Quest to Know Her Father: Lynn shared a poignant story about her daughter’s high school project, where she reached out to their old town's newspaper to learn about the father she never knew, highlighting the lasting impact of loss and the quest for connection.

  • Grieving Process and Support Systems: She discusses the importance of support systems and the varying experiences of grief, including how societal attitudes and available resources for widowed parents have changed over time.

  • Advice to Other Widowed Parents: Lynn offers insights and advice for others navigating widowhood with children, emphasizing the importance of addressing grief and finding community support.

  • Impact of Widowhood Over Decades: Reflects on how the early experience of widowhood shaped her life, her parenting, and her perspective on loss and healing over four decades.

  • Journey of Writing and Reflection: Lynn’s process of writing her memoir served as a reflection and exploration of her grief, trauma, and the journey towards healing, offering insights into the complexities of long-term grief management.

  • Personal Growth and Understanding: Through therapy and self-reflection, Lynn came to understand and address the trauma and unresolved grief stemming from her husband's sudden death, contributing to her personal growth and understanding of grief.


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Jenny Lisk

Jenny Lisk is the founder of the Widowed Parent Institute. She is an award-winning author and widowed mom who is dedicated to helping widowed parents increase their family's well-being. Jenny’s books, Future Widow and Widowed Parents Unite, and her show, The Widowed Parent Podcast, guide the journey of solo parenting after loss.

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