Child Life Specialist Jessica Correnti on Supporting Our Grieving Children

I had such a great discussion with child life specialist Jessica Correnti this week on the Widowed Parent Podcast. Jessica is the founder of a practice called Kids Grief Support. She is also the author of two picture books for young grievers, including her newest, The ABCs of Grief, which will be available in February 2024.

In this discussion we dive deep on a number of topics, such as: the power of books to help kids see that they are not the only kid with a dead parent; the importance of being honest with kids; examples of clear language to help kids understand what it means when someone dies; what she looks for in a developmentally appropriate grief book for kids; and much more.

So much of our focus at the Widowed Parent Institute is on helping parents learn about children’s grief and how to support their own grieving kids. Today’s guest has so much to share with us on this topic. Be sure to follow Jessica on Instagram, too, where she shares tips and resources about children’s grief.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Jessica Correnti's Background: Jessica is a certified Child Life Specialist and the owner of Kids' Grief Support, focusing on supporting grieving children.

  • Role of Child Life Specialists: They are child development experts who assist children and families in navigating through difficult life events, using tools like play, art, and books.

  • Importance of Clear Communication: Emphasizes the need for clear, concrete language when talking to children about death, avoiding euphemisms to ensure understanding.

  • Power of Books in Grief Support: Highlights how books can be a powerful tool for grieving children, making them feel seen and understood, especially books that directly address the experience of losing a parent or sibling.

  • Coping with Grief: Discusses the importance of helping children develop coping skills early on to better handle grief and future life challenges.

  • The Impact of Grief on Children: Acknowledges that while the death of a close family member changes children forever, it doesn’t mean they will be traumatized for life.

  • Creating Safe Spaces for Grieving Children: Stresses the importance of having safe spaces where children can freely express their grief and feel connected with others who have experienced similar losses.

  • Therapeutic Techniques: Uses play and art as key therapeutic techniques in sessions, adapting them for both in-person and virtual environments to engage children effectively.

  • Community and Connection: Points out the power of connecting grieving children with others who have experienced similar losses, creating a sense of understanding and community.


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Help Texts - Grief support text messaging service. Tips and support delivered all year long, personalized based on your loss. Listeners get $10 off:

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Jenny Lisk

Jenny Lisk is the founder of the Widowed Parent Institute. She is an award-winning author and widowed mom who is dedicated to helping widowed parents increase their family's well-being. Jenny’s books, Future Widow and Widowed Parents Unite, and her show, The Widowed Parent Podcast, guide the journey of solo parenting after loss.

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